Ways to give back


Become a patron to receive special perks including access to special content, the ability to suggest future videos, and much more to come! We are currently talking with members of the community to see what new perks we should offer!


Using our referral links when shopping on Amazon does not cost you anything, but still supports our content! This is one of the easiest ways to support our upcoming videos!


If you are not able to give financial support, you can still make a big impact by sharing our content with as many people as possible!

About Us

Make sure to say hi when you see us in the lot!

Andrew Cislak

Andrew is a freelance photographer and cinematographer who loves capturing all kinds of memories.

Jonathan Chen

Jonathan started the "ThatWasSexyPit" YouTube channel that has since rebranded to ThatWasLoud. He continues to lead the team and helps with capturing content.

Antonio Cabrera

Antonio joined the social media team in 2018. His work greatly helps the channel grow and is vital to engage with our audience.

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